Conceptual Model of Occupational Therapy

A common question I am asked once I tell people what I am studying is, "what is occupational therapy?", I enjoy when people ask me, instead of assuming that when I graduate I will be helping individuals find careers. I was asked to make a model of what occupational therapy really is and what we do to share to the public. I decided to post my visual on Pinterest since I feel like it is a great platform to express visual ideas. I hope it finds it's way to those who may be interested in occupational therapy and would like to know more. 

To view my conceptual model you may use the URL listed:


Lancaster. S. (2021). OT425: Foundations of Occupation-Centered Practice, session 1 lecture [Powerpoint slides]. Retrieved from d=_16499_1&content_id=_888562_1&m ode=reset

Lancaster. S. (2021). OT425: Foundations of Occupation-Centered Practice, session 3 lecture [Powerpoint slides]. Retrieved from d=_16499_1&content_id=_888562_1&m ode=reset

Lancaster. S. (2021). OT425: Foundations of Occupation-Centered Practice, session 4 lecture [Powerpoint slides]. Retrieved from d=_16499_1&content_id=_888562_1&m ode=reset

Lancaster. S. (2021). OT425: Foundations of Occupation-Centered Practice, session 5 lecture [Powerpoint slides]. Retrieved from d=_16499_1&content_id=_888562_1&m ode=reset

Lancaster. S. (2021). OT425: Foundations of Occupation-Centered Practice, session 8 lecture [Powerpoint slides]. Retrieved from d=_16499_1&content_id=_888562_1&m ode=reset

Lancaster. S. (2021). OT425: Foundations of Occupation-Centered Practice, session 27 lecture [Powerpoint slides]. Retrieved from ckboard/content/listContent.jsp?course_i d=_16499_1&content_id=_888562_1&m ode=reset


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