OT in Correctional Facilities ~ Community re-entry

I must admit, until today I did not know the role that occupational therapy could play within correctional facilities. After hearing our SOTA guest speaker, Dr. Karen Barney, (founder of the Transformative Justice Initiative) speak of her passion to establish this program, I was inspired to learn more of what this area of practice is like. The Glass Half Full podcast: "Community Re-Entry in the Department of Corrections" highlights the in's and out's by speaking with Brittany Connors, who also works as an OT within the correctional facility in St. Louis, MO. 

The United States has the highest incarceration rate in the world, and a strict "tough on crime" approach, but what does quality of life look like once they have served their time? 

The sad truth is, there are many individuals who have been incarcerated that do not have access to adequate resources and support once they are released. Not only can confinement deprive these individuals of their meaningful occupations, it can also deprive them from re-integrating within the community.
This is where occupational therapy steps in. OT Interventions within these facilities are built on a variety of different aspects that are based on the individuals' interests. They can range from activities such as: guest speakers, brain teasers, informative talks such as: how to get back into the work place, how to manage money, and also mental health aspects such as: communication or anger management. All of these different areas can encourage self efficacy, increased quality of life while incarcerated, and also better preparedness once the individual is released back within the community. The individual can have a plan for a brighter future, and hope that re-integration into society is possible. 

Occupational Therapy's holistic approach truly is a positive light within these correctional facilities, because we know that EVERY being deserves the right to occupations. 💜 


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