Why is Assistive Technology important?

People use assistive technology daily, and many times daily, whether they realize it or not. 

The question is, what is assistive technology (AT)? 

Well, it can be many things, but an overall definition would be: Any item, device, or product that can be useful for a person/persons with a disability to help perform or improve functional capabilities. 

The can categorize assistive technology in 3 different ways: Low tech/no tech, medium tech assistive technology, and high tech assistive technology. 

  • Low tech/no tech is much of what the name suggests, with the minimal use of materials, it can be the cheapest price, easiest to make, and also require not much training in order to use.
  • Medium tech requires some expense, some set-up time, and also some training for the client. 
  • High tech is the most complex, requiring the most expense, set-up, maintenance, and training time for the client. 
Since the goal of occupational therapy is to enable individuals to participate in occupations that are meaningful to them, assistive technology plays a large role in our profession. Through my own experience in undergraduate shadow work, I cannot recall a moment I have seen an OT intervention go without the use of assistive technology. From providing a client with a speech issue a white board and marker to convey their thoughts, setting timers for those clients who have a difficult time with pace, and assisting a client in text-to speak on their mobile device, I have seen the way that assistive technology can contribute in so many ways to make an individuals occupation so much easier. 
AT is used within the occupational therapy world to support the client in many ways, and through the use of AT some client's may be able to finally carry out the activity they could not have done otherwise. 


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