Is The Pinky Finger Insignificant?

    When simply looking down at your hand and thinking of which finger would be the easiest to live without, you may think it would be your pinky. It is the smallest of the digits, it is on the outside of the hand, and there are not an incredible amount of occupations that you can think of off the top of your head that require the pinky only. The story, Man from the South, puts a young solider in a predicament to lose this left pinky, if he were to lose a bet with a strange man whom he had just met. His agreement to the bet highlights the belief of the young man, that loosing his own pinky is worth gaining he man's Cadillac if he were to win. Although the bet was interrupted before finishing, it is important to recognize what occupations the solider would be unable to perform without his pinky. 

    Our pinky finger plays a large role in our ability to grasp objects, without the pinky finger the solider would lack a large amount of grip strength that is needed to hold weapons safely and effectively. Grasping a small and light object is not as difficult without the pinky, but grasping a large and heavy item, like the soldiers' artillery, bags, etc. would be challenging. The ability to steer and operate a naval ship would also be effected, because the need to grasp the steering mechanism. We can also imagine that without the left pinky we would see reduced muscle mass in the muscles that are not being used any longer, and damage to especially the ulnar nerve in which part would have been cut. 

   Looking at the soldiers occupation of steering a ship being affected, we could use adaptive equipment to help the soldier be able to perform more effectively. It would allow the solider self-efficacy in the ability to drive the ship, and also allow more safety. Pictured below is a steering knob, which can be added onto the steering wheel for those who need assistance with grip. 

 SCHMITT MARINE STEERING 13.5" Destroyer Wheel with Control Knob | West  Marine

    As far as the wife of the strange bet-maker man, she has lost many digits, therefore her occupations are greatly limited. One example every-day occupation she would have problems with is brushing her teeth, because of how many fingers we rely on to grasp around the toothbrush. An adaptive equipment that would be beneficial for her would be a grip connected to the tooth brush, in which she could slide the palm of her hand through to maneuver. Pictured below is an example:

Toothbrush for tetraplegic #sci | Occupational therapy, Brushing teeth,  Adaptive tools

Photo Resources:

Steering Knob:

Assistive Equipment for Brushing Teeth:


  1. Hailey,

    I couldn't agree more with the fact that when one were to look at their hands, they would assume that the pinky finger is the most insignificant. I also really enjoyed that you gave a lot of different examples of how the soldiers daily occupations would be effected. One example that you mentioned that I did not think about was the ability to steer and operate a naval ship. I can only imagine the amount of stress that would cause without having use of the pinky finger not only physically but also mentally. I definitely learned how important it is for us to have use of our pinky fingers because they actually play a huge role in grip strength. Also, you provided great examples of modification if needed such as the steering knob and even a grip on a toothbrush for the wife. Great ideas!


  2. Hailey, I really enjoyed reading this blog post and especially appreciated the attached photos of the creative modifications you have mentioned (lol thanks cause I am for sure a visual learner)!!! I also really enjoyed your outlook on the importance of the pinky finger - because truthfully, I would have assumed the pinky would be the first of my fingers that I would sacrifice but after writing my own blog and reading yours I am seriously reconsidering!! Loved your ideas and the examples provided for the occupations which would suffer from losing the finger - especially the steering of the ship, VERY CREATIVE! Great work!!


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