Neuro Note 3: Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis

My MS Story: James Davis (FULL INTERVIEW) - PPMS Primary Progressive Multiple  Sclerosis - Ocrevus - YouTube

My MS Story: James Davis (FULL INTERVIEW) - PPMS Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a degenerative disease that can be classified under the autoimmune category, because of the body's attack of its own myeline sheaths covering neurons in the brain and spinal cord. Unique to this disease, is the unpredictability of it. In fact one of the only aspects of MS that medical professionals can foretell is the four different types of MS and projectively how the symptoms may arise and/or represent themselves. 

Today I will be discussing an individual named James Davis whom was diagnosed with one of the four types of MS, primary progressive, also known as the most disabling because of it's continuous downward slope of progression. I was able to learn more about Mr. Davis's diagnosis through a full interview posted via YouTube. I chose this video to further my learning because it's very personal to hear about the story of an individual from them directly. 

This video was recorded in 2017, 6 years into James's diagnosis. James explains that the doctors mentioned he may have been battling MS before he even knew it, or before symptom had even arised. Now living with his mother who is a nurse, MS separated James from his wife and child. This, as you can imagine, has put strain on not being a supportive man for his family. Unfortunately the progressive worsening of symptoms such as back pain and trouble standing/walking made it difficult for him to live at home. Now experiencing random pain, loss of nerve sensation, catheterization because of bladder issues, he feels sincerely lucky to still have his cognition intact, because physically he feels as if he relies a lot on others.

Now spending most of his time either in the bed or within his wheelchair, one of the biggest things James  misses is hiking, having a site to see, and enjoying the nature around him. James is at a mental acceptance where he knows the diagnosis is out of his hands, and explains how simple it is to take for granted so many easy tasks like walking to the bathroom, or independently shower. When asked what the things he is thankful for, he specifies the support of his family, and the fact that they actually come visit him so he does not have to spend so much time alone. 

My biggest takeaway through hearing James's story is the mental strength he possesses. Putting myself in his shoes, I believe it would be extremely difficult to maintain such high spirits. It is truly inspiring to see him speak of us life prior to MS and just see the way his face lights up. He is realistic in his prognosis, and he mentions although he may never run a marathon, maybe someone could come along and at least make it possible for him to stand again. Davis says, "The first step is believing in yourself".

unclevroomvroom. (2017, March 14). My MS Story: James Davis (full interview) - ppms primary progressive multiple Sclerosis - ocrevus. YouTube. 


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